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Ongoing Activities - Research Lines

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2018 | Current plans : <none funded> -- Despite this, all current activities are listed (below) !!! These activities are carried on with the valuable help of students.


Naomi Tistarelli, bac degree on 2018: maps of area connections, rsfc-MRI data ( point 1 below )  

3 -- (since 2019) Reviewing data e.g. on trans-generational trasmission (of the paternal pre-conception stress or drug exposures).
 -- REVIEW on human empathizing and mentalizing abilities and its analogues like reciprocity in lab rats ( with help by Sara LORUSSO a STUDENT at ISS ).
 Luca Cerniglia, Letizia Bartolomeo, Micaela Capobianco, Sara L.M. Lo Russo, Fabiana Festucci, Renata Tambelli, Walter Adriani *, Silvia Cimino (2019). Intersections and divergences between Empathizing and Mentalizing: development, recent advancements by neuroimaging and the future of animal modelling. Front Behav Neurosci, 13: 212  
 -- REVIEW on literature about ADHD and its comorbidities, investigated by means of the twin studies ( with help by Naomi TISTARELLI, now at UniPavia ).
 Naomi Tistarelli, Corrado Fagnani, Miriam Troianiello, Maria Antonietta Stazi, Walter Adriani (2020). The nature and nurture of ADHD and its comorbidities: a narrative review on twin studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, (proof correction December 2019); special issue on TWIN STUDIES !

2 -- (since 2016) DAT knockout rats as a new model for psycho-pathology.
Sealed (paper number one hundred by author Walter Adriani, PhD) D. Leo, I. Sukhanov, F. Zoratto, P. Illiano, L. Caffino, F. Sanna, G. Messa, M. Emanuele, A. Esposito, M. Dorofeikova, E. Budygin, L. Mus, E. Efimova, M. Niello, S. Espinoza, T. Sotnikova, M. Hoener, G. Laviola, F. Fumagalli, W. ADRIANI, R.R. Gainetdinov ( 2018 link through DOI ) Pronounced hyperactivity, cognitive dysfunctions and BDNF dysregulation in dopamine transporter knockout rats. Journal of Neuro-science (proofs corrected on 24 January 2018)
 | Sealed|

(always see  students' pages -IT-  for updates)


1 -- (around 2013) Innocent WAR PLAN 2016-19 | very old experiments!  We intend to publish all'em... valuable students (who helped) in bold.
The accepted papers appear as ordered by date of publication; the awaiting papers appear as ordered by dates of the corresponding experiments.
2011-14 (The timing between experiments and paper: SIX years) MR connectivity in developing brains during juvenile to adolescent phases. Sealed Zoratto F, Altabella L, Tistarelli N, et al. (2018 GO via DOI LINK ): « Inside the developing brain to understand teen behaviour from rat models: metabolic, structural and functional-connectivity alterations among limbic structures across three pre-adolescent stages. » Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. ( inaugural paper as AE! )
2014-17 (The timing between experiments and paper: FOUR years) The behaviour sequelae of nicotine exposure (drinking mother to the lactating pups). Sealed Alexis Faure, Francesca Zoratto, Doriana Chirico, et al. (2019 GO via DOI LINK ): « Reduced adolescent risk­ assessment and lower nicotinic beta­2 expression in rats exposed to nicotine through lactation by forcedly drinking dams »  Neuroscience. ( paper reprint available! )
2011-14 Zoratto F, Buccheri C, Mura R, et al. : behavioural phenotype of rats inoculated with lenti-SERT vectors in the hippocampus (The timing between experiments and paper, SEVEN years): Zoratto F, Buccheri C, Mura R, Altabella L, Vanneste M, Villotte M, Laviola G, Dauphin F, Paizanis E, Adriani W, Canese R (2019). Anatomical and behavioral impact of a lenti-viral tool tapping onto hippocampal serotonin reuptake in rats. Synapse. (proof correction 9 october 2019)!  


2014-17 Oggiano M, Zoratto F, Palombelli GM, et al. (invited) : in vivo ph-MRI measures in brains of NHE rats, an animal model of ADHD (The timing between experiments and paper, FIVE years): Oggiano M, Zoratto F, Palombelli GM, Festucci F, Laviola G, Curcio G, Canese R, Adriani W (2020) Striatal dynamics as determinants of reduced gambling in the NHE rat model of ADHD. Neuro-Psycho-Pharmacol & Biol Psych. (proof correction 11 february 2020)! 
2014-17  Zoratto F, Festucci F, Puzzo C, et al. (with ADDESSI) : food nosepoked for is delivered instead to the bystander rat: framed as a "theft" (endowment) (The timing between experiments and paper, EIGHT years): Francesca Zoratto, Gabriele Oddi, Silvia Pillitteri, Fabiana Festucci, Concetto Puzzo, Giuseppe Curcio, Giovanni Laviola, Fabio Paglieri, Walter Adriani, Elsa Addessi  2022 The presence of a potential competitor modulates risk preferences in rats. Behav Processes doi: 10.1016/j.beproc.2022.104602 ... 
Follow our older activities through: the CHART OF EXPERIMENTS of the (1st) ADHD-sythe project (2009-2012); the LIST OF DELIVERABLES of the (2nd) NeuroGenMRI project (2011-2014); the (3rd) Gambling project (2014-2015 track its goals and progress).

GET-A-GADGET: one paper reprint of our published papers with a kind donation !!!   


BROWSE through our recently ongoing (actively publishing) research projects. Jump to first one and come back to the latest > use "prev" OR "next" buttons at the footer of each page

 (since 2008) Screening of behavior in the home cage : development of an operant panel for motivated decisions (see contents under Section: Areas Covered). This new home cage panel is available. Have a look to our partner (the small company PRS ITALIA) follow our products ; further validation studies are now run, under the Gambling project (2014-2015 track its goals and progress), aimed to validate innovative animal models for pathological gambling and proneness to risky choices. 


 (since 2008) Development of a novel non-psychostimulant drug to treat depression, anxiety, and ADHD in children. One new targets is the Serotonin 7 (5-HT7) receptor (see content under Section: Areas Covered). Following abstract to the Bioactive Peptides 2008 congress, Napoli, IT, one paper has been published (Adriani et al., ONPPJ 2009) on cortexin, a Russian medication to ADHD. Further experiments were run under "ADHD-sythe" (2009-2012 see achieved goals), and are now planned under "NeuroGenMRI" (2011-2014 track the progresses). Main aims are a) selection of novel possible receptor targets, b) development of new psychoactive compounds (molecules/peptides), and c) preclinical evaluation of their behavioral and neuro-pharmacological effects.


 (since 2006) Modulation of behavior by anti-neural auto-antibodies (aAbs) generated by immunization with fragments of neuro-receptors.  The paper we published first, Capone et al., Psycho-pharmacology 2008, describes interaction of anti-Mu receptor aAbs on morphine's effects in mice. Another paper about anti-DAT aAbs (generated by DAT-fragment immunization), and consequent changes in behavior and brain neurochemical parameters, is currently published (Adriani et al., Behavioral and Brain Functions 2012) and is available for free download !!! On the same line, a paper (Koot et al., Behavioral Brain Research 2008 available for free download) describes the latest refinement for running operant tasks for behavioral impulsivity in mice.    

 (since 2006) Development and validation of a novel diagnostic kit. This has been also run under ADHD-sythe, aimed to exploit a potential new biomarker in human ADHD (check the goals achieved 2009-2012) and is now partialy run under NeuroGenMRI (2011-2014 track the "clinical" progresses). 

 (since 2004) Modulation of behavior by gene transfer into the brain : inoculation of tools (lentiviruses) carrying gene enahncers or silencers. In line with the abstract presented to the FENS 2008 (Geneva, CH), two pioneer papers (Adriani et al., Neuroscience 2009 available for free download ; Adriani et al., Int J NeuroPsychoPharmacol 2010) should be disseminated. This Activity was run under the ADHD-sythe project (2009-2012 see achieved goals), and is now run under the NeuroGenMRI project (2011-2014 track), aimed to validate innovative animal models for ADHD and adolescent depression. Novel basic knowledge on neurobiology of neuropsychiatric disorders will improve therapy !!!

 (since 2004) Magnetic resonance and the brain: pharmacological imaging of areas activated by psychoactive drugs. Abstract presented to the BCN-ISS congress, Roma 2007, and to the Translational Medicine congress held at ISS, Roma 2008. One pilot paper (Canese et al., Psycho-pharmacology 2008 download for free) describes MPH-induced BOLD effect in brains of adolescent and adult rats (studied with in vivo ph-MRI). This Activity was run under "ADHD-sythe" (2009-2012 see achieved goals), and is now run under "NeuroGenMRI" (2011-2014  track the progresses): we aim to perform magnetic resonance (MR) measures in brains of both ADHD childrens and animal models, to draw possible useful correlations...   

(closed) Neuroprotection for drug abuse-induced toxicity and in neuro-degenerative diseases (in collaboration with Sigma Tau SpA, Pomezia, Italy).  

(closed) Behavioural effects of novel drugs modulating the endocannabinoid system (in collaboration with Sigma Tau SpA, Italy).  Papers already published are available on our site.


The announcement of congresses is available on our website (see column on the right).

On the  "publications" page  you will find papers originated from activities of past years. 

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Beyond science: philosophy, mind and metabolism:
1) Genes, but ...NOT ONLY...

2) Latest hints on innovation: "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES"

3) The burden of ADHD on modern society (families, health systems).
Societies, Journals (to visit)

Science Societies, Science Journals.

Associations to help people with a psychiatric disease (and their families).


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