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(2009-2012) What have EMMA's people been searching?

Past Experiments, Supported Public Project: ADHD-sythe (2009-2012).

Year 2012 was dedicated to getting published the experiments below. 

RECENT EXPERIMENTS, data still under elaboration.

10. July 2011 - novel htr7 drug Lp211 under subchronic treatment in mice: circadian rhythm and neurogenesis (E. Romano).  Sealed We announce: Di Pilato P, et al. ( 2014 link through DOI ) and Romano E, et al. ( 2014 link through DOI ); Reviews in the Neurosciences. Sealed  

9. July 2011 - functional magnetic resonance (phMRI) of rat brain activation (BOLD effect and resting-state connectivity) following acute fluoxetine (L. Altabella). Data elaboration has been hampered by movement of animals within the magnet. Thus, a different anesthetic regimen has been exploited for similar experiments within the NEURO-GEN-MRI project

Experiments which led to a publication:

8. July 2011 - alterations in SERT function generated in vivo, by a lentiviral inoculation within dentate gyrus of the rat hippocampus (F. Zoratto); MR spectroscopy validation (L. Altabella). PAPERS ACCEPTED by: Neuroscience Letters (Elsevier) on 2013; another is now in preparation (year 2014; for this paper, the announcement will be made among the similar experiments, performed within the NEURO-GEN-MRI project). 

7. run on year 2011 - a novel 5-ht(7) drug, Lp211, was given during adolescence and then we assessed rat's impulsive behavior (F. Zoratto), followed by long-term anxiety and MR measures such as hippocampal MRS, DTI, connectivity (R. Canese). PAPER ACCEPTED by: Psycho-pharmacology (Springer) on 2014. 

 6b. run on year 2010 - a novel device ( home cage panel, HCP , developed in collaboration with PRS Italia ) was used for automated evaluation of gambling behaviour in rats and was used with adolescent rats under various schedules (F. Zoratto).  PAPERS ACCEPTED by: Synapse (Wiley) on 2012; Neuro-pharmacology (Elsevier) on 2013. 

 6a. run on year 2010 - a novel device for automated IGT task (S. Koot)  was used with rats under a serotonin depleted diet; gambling was studied with IGT and PDT in rats (F. Zoratto). FREE ORAL TALK to Measuring Behavior 2010 (Maastricht, NL). PAPER ACCEPTED by Neuro-pharmacology (Elsevier) on 2012.  

5. run on year 2009 - novel 5-ht(7) drugs and behavior of mice (A. Borsik; A. Amorim): we studied Anxiety, Novelty Preference and Circadian Rhythms following Lp211, both acute and sub-chronic regimens. PAPER ACCEPTED by Neuro-pharmacology (Elsevier) on 2012. 

4. run on year 2009 - available 5-ht(7) drugs and forebrain activation (BOLD effect) in rats (E.M. Marco; R. Canese). PAPER ACCEPTED by NeuroImage (Elsevier) on 2011.

 Sealed Article: Persistent modification of forebrain networks and metabolism n rats following adolescent exposure to a 5-HT7 receptor agonist (2014 - link to DOI). By: Canese R. * & Zoratto F. * (both * are first authors), ..., Adriani W. Journal: Psycho-pharmacology.  (Experiment started June 2011, paper published June 2014)

 Sealed Article: Impulsivity and home-cage activity are decreased by lentivirus-mediated silencing of serotonin transporter in the rat hippocampus (2013 - link to DOI). By: Zoratto F., ..., Adriani W. Journal: Neuroscience Letters.

 Sealed Article: Gambling proneness in rats during transition from adolescence to young adulthood: home-cage method (2013 - link to DOI). By: Zoratto F., Laviola G., Adriani W. Journal: Neuro-pharmacology. PDF (member's gadget)

 Sealed  Article: Choice with delayed or uncertain reinforcers in rats: influence of timeout duration and session length (2012 - link to DOI). By: Zoratto F., Laviola G., Adriani W. Journal: Synapse. PDF (member's gadget) 

 Sealed  Article Alert : Compromised decision-making and increased gambling proneness following dietary serotonin depletion in rats (2012 - link to DOI). By: Koot S.* & Zoratto F.* (both * are first authors), Cassano T., Colangeli R., Laviola G., vandenBos R., Adriani W. Journal: Neuro-pharmacology. GET here a paper reprint (member's gadget) 

 Sealed Article: Modulatory effects of two novel agonists for serotonin receptor 7 on emotion, motivation and circadian rhythm profiles in mice (2012 - link to DOI). By: Adriani W., Travaglini D., Lacivita E., Saso L., Leopoldo M., Laviola G. Journal: Neuro-pharmacology. GET here a paper reprint (member's gadget)

 Sealed Article: Differential response to specific 5-Ht(7) versus whole-serotonergic drugs in rat forebrains: a phMRI study (2011 - link to DOI). By: Canese R., Marco E.M., de Pasquale F., Podo F., Laviola G., Adriani W. Journal: NeuroImage.  GET here a paper reprint (member's gadget)


Very old experiments:

3. run on year 2010 - a gambling task in Marmoset monkeys (E. Sinclair). POSTER PRESENTED to EBBS 2013. PAPER ACCEPTED by: Bio-Med Research International (Hindawi).

2. run on year 2009 - impulsivity in Marmoset monkeys (C. Romani). POSTER PRESENTED to ECBB 2010. PAPER ACCEPTED by: Behavioural Brain Research (Elsevier).

1. run on year 2009 - adolescent stress sequelae: adult gambling behavior (E.M. Marco), and MR-measured ADC parameter (R. Canese). In collaboration with M. Riva (Milan), C. Perrone (Naples). WRITING PAPER: not planned yet. 

 Sealed Article: Individual differences in choice (in)flexibility but not impulsivity in the common marmoset: an automated, operant-behavior choice task (2013 - link to DOI). By: Adriani W., Romani C., Manciocco A., Vitale A. and Laviola G. Journal: Behavioural Brain Research. Permanent URL to this article

 Sealed Article: Individual differences in gambling proneness among rats and common marmosets: an automated choice task (2014 - link to DOI) By: Zoratto F., Sinclair E., Manciocco A., Vitale A., Laviola G. and Adriani W. Journal: Biomed Research International.

Details: the ADHD-sythe project (2009-2012) was funded by the Italian Ministry of Health within the "under-40" call 2007; it achieved these PRE-CLINICAL goals: 1) to validate innovative animal models for ADHD, whose alterations in DAT/SERT function are generated in vivo, by a lentivirus-mediated manipulation of genetic expression within selected brain areas; 2) selection of novel possible receptor targets, development of new molecules, and preclinical evaluation of the novel drugs as a promising field of therapeutic intervention, see workplan (IT)

Clinicians involved in ADHD sythe (2009-2012) have been taking "baseline" blood samples between first arrival of children and decision to start therapy (a period normally lasting a week or two). Then, a second sampling after 1-2 months : this second sample has been identified as coming from a RESPONDER to therapy vs the NON RESPONDERS to therapy, plus a NON-DRUG THERAPY group. Ritalin is usually efficient after two-three weeks of therapy. The final goal was to collect up to 50 samples from pure ADHD children under (Ritalin) treatment. THEN, ANY ADVERTISEMENT OF OUR PUTATIVE DIAGNOSTIC DISCOVERIES WILL BE PLACED HERE.

Our now-active project is NeuroGenMRI (2011-2014), whose progresses you can track. It is funded by Italian Ministry of Health (P.I. for Italy, dr W. ADRIANI), and aimed at (refining old and establishing new) animal models of ADHD and adolescent depression, to search for novel therapeutic approaches. There is - also - a couple of "clinical" aims.

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