European Mind & Metabolism Association

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Welcome to Emma web site

Bringing Advocacy, Hope and Cure for Metabolic and Mental Disorders.   Donate ! 

The European Mental and Metabolism Association (EMMA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1996 and officialised in July 2007. The scope of this essentially European, but also International, Association is to advocate reliable, valid and independent biomedical research, and bring the hope for a cure, in the field of Mental and Metabolic diseases.

"It is estimated that between 1 and 1.5 percent of children have ADHD, meaning that it's very likely to find at least one ADHD kid in a classroom of 25 to 30 children." ADHD does not restrict to childhood: it expands into adolescence, and has a significant impact in adults. Recent studies estimate that 30 to 70 percent of ADHD children continue to exhibit symptoms in the adult years. The impact of ADHD on modern society is indeed relevant. Early and accurate diagnosis of ADHD is thus crucial to ensure one's overall quality of life. Any improvement in the diagnostic process might be relevant for the clinical practice. EMMA presents few projects to perform basic ADHD research on biological causes, novel diagnostic tools, and new innovative therapy. GO to the tracking webpage of the Gambling project (2014-2015) !!!

Animal research is brave, not cruel, science! Read! Look how research on lab rodents is relevant for health of developing humans ...

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To follow the ongoing campaign(s) supported by EMMA as well as its own goals, click here.

 A major and ultimate goal of EMMA is to foster Behavioral Science (with a focus on NeuroEthics, the scientific study of behavior how it is) as well as Ethical Phylosophy (with a focus on BioEthics, the study of behavior how it should be).

 EMMA follows all new issues that arise nowadays when facing: 1) new symptoms of mental disease ('odd' behavior to be 'morally judged') and 2) new challenges offered by bio-technology (for 'taking of decisions').  

Human Behavior vs Animal Behavior : merging Psychology to Ethology. Neural Bases of Behavior and Free Will: merging Science to Philosophy.   


EMMA is committed to divulge rapidly all novel discoveries in the field of mind and metabolism, with special regard on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Tourette's Syndrome.


LATEST NEWS & SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES, about "Schizophrena, Mental Retardation"

EMMA is committed to divulge rapidly all novel discoveries in the field of mind and metabolism, with special regard on Schizophrenia and Mental Retardation , an unespected link.  

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Events and Links

Meetings & Congresses

 Index of Congresses ...


the 13th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies in September 2017


Debates & Lessons
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Beyond science: philosophy, mind and metabolism:
1) Genes, but ...NOT ONLY...

2) Latest hints on innovation: "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES"

3) The burden of ADHD on modern society (families, health systems).
Societies, Journals (to visit)

Science Societies, Science Journals.

Associations to help people with a psychiatric disease (and their families).


Which of these lotteries would you bet a stake on?
Who shall be the new Directive Committee member?