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News on Neurodevelopmental Disorders & Addiction


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12-june-2023 Sealed Congratulations to us all on our own accepted paper! 


Article Puzzo et al., 2023 titled  Inheritance of wild and truncated DAT alleles from grand-parents: Opposite transgenerational consequences on behavioral phenotype in adolescent DAT hetero-zygous rats, published in  Neuroscience Letters!

Sealed 50 days' free access to the article: anyone clicking on the link below, before 08-August-2023, will be taken directly to the final version to read or download. No sign up, registration or fees required.

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This paper has been made possible by the continued efforts of the following Bac students (Faculty of Psychology, University Uninettuno, Rome), which appear as coauthors and are here acknowledged in reverse order of their Degree date.


  Ileana MANGILI; (UTIU, July 2022)

Ileana Mangili

 Ileana MANGILI, on 6 July 2022   

 - I. MANGILI wrote and discussed a Thesis on anomalous memories. About the paper, she prepared the Introduction and the Abstract as well as contributed to Discussion and helped to respond on referees' comments, after submitting at various journals.  


  Roberta D'ANGIO'; Daniela ORLANDO; (UTIU, March 2022)


 Roberta D'Angiò

Up to Down : Daniela ORLANDO & Roberta D'ANGIO' on 8 march 2022  

  - D. ORLANDO wrote and discussed a Thesis on life-experiences od ADHD women; about the paper, she helped with data handling, pre- and post- processing, until preparation of figure(s). 

 - R. D'ANGIO' wrote and discussed a Thesis on GAMBLING\OCD and akrasia; about the paper, she was crucial on-the-field in managing the Pedigree Tables for a correct breeding strategy !


  Sara ALBANESE; Anna Sara LIBERATI (UTIU, February 2021)  

 Anna Sara


 Up to Down: Anna Sara LIBERATI & Sara ALBANESE on 9 February 2021

A.S. LIBERATI wrote and discussed a Thesis on criminal Psychopathies and violent aggressivity; about the paper, she was crucial in preparing the taxonomy and genealogy trees for DAT hetero-zygous rats, issuing from all possible combinations of genotypes for their parents. The construct that PAT males bred with MAT females yield GIX pups and PAT females bred with MAT males yield DIX pups, was solely constructed thanks to her own contribution.    

 - S. ALBANESE wrote and discussed a Thesis on Autism and its environment; about the paper, she was crucial in the original and empirical observations about maternal behavior, on MAT females caring for GIX pups and on PAT females caring for DIX pups, allowing the discovery that not all heterozygous are equal one to another!!! 

Disordered gambling is a major societal problem with high costs to the subjects involved. Animal models may help in understanding and preventing gambling-related problems. Data show that some (lab) animals may have gambling-like profiles, yet we need few additional steps towards models of disordered gambling. Read all


Rats switch to random mode when up against hard-to-beat competitors, and we should too

A study on rats, published in the journal Cell ...


Oxytocin promotes group-serving dishonesty, by Shaul Shalvi and Carsten K.W. De Dreu : Full Text or PDF

 Read discoveries on Schizophrenia and Mental Retardation : unespected links ...
  Adolescence appears to be a period of heightened propensity to develop addictions but the biological factors that increased vulnerability were not known. New research carried out in rats and published in the Journal of Neuroscience provides important clues. Relative to adults, adolescent rats took cocaine more readily, were more sensitive to lower doses, showed greater escalation of cocaine intake, and were less susceptible to increases in work they had to do to get the drug.

 Adolescent rats also showed increased activity of dopamine neurons, a feature known to be associated with increased drug self-administration behaviour. Dopamine is essential or drug-induced reward. The results highlight behavioural and biological markers of heightened addiction liability during adolescence

Wong et al. (2013) Adolescents Are More Vulnerable to Cocaine Addiction: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33: 4913-4922

Anselme P (2010 - link to DOI). The uncertainty processing theory of motivation. Behav Brain Res. 208: 291-310. Epub 2009 Dec 23.

Paper just published in Neuroscience & Neuroeconomics about economic decision making - attractive effects of immediate reward and reward-cues (i.e., TEMPTATION) GO & READ

A Neuroeconomic Theory of Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity and Addiction (2010) Med Hypotheses, 75: 356-358

Taiki Takahashi 

proposes, in
this paper, a possible link between economic theory of addiction (Becker and Murphy, 1988) and neurobiological theory of bidirectional synaptic plasticity (Bienenstock, Cooper, Munro, 1982).

Evaluation of animal models of neuro-behavioral disorders. By van der Staay FJ, Arndt SS, Nordquist RE. Behav Brain Funct. 2009 ; 5:11.

Click here to read Click here to read

The effect of 5-HTT gene promoter polymorphism on impulsivity depends on family relations ...

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Beyond science: philosophy, mind and metabolism:
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2) Latest hints on innovation: "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES"

3) The burden of ADHD on modern society (families, health systems).
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