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About Rhodiola Rosea

One of the possible future research focuses of EMMA is the Rhodiola Rosea.

Humans - The use of Rhodiola Rosea (see PDF) to cope with fatigue.

novel, relevant papers:

Effect of salidroside, active principle of Rhodiola rosea extract, on binge eating.

BY:Cifani C, Micioni Di B MV, Vitale G, Ruggieri V, Ciccocioppo R, Massi M. ON: Physiol Behav. (2010 - GO via DOI ) 101: 555-62.

Stress is a key determinant of binge eating (BE). Since Rhodiola rosea is known to modulate stress responses, its effect in a model of BE was investigated. BE for highly palatable food (HPF) was evoked in female rats by three 8-day cycles of food restriction/re-feeding (for 4days 66% of the usual chow intake; for 4days food ad libitum) and acute stress on the test day (day 25). R. rosea dry extract (3% rosavin, 3.12% salidroside) or its active principles were given by gavage 1h before access to HPF. Only rats exposed to both food restrictions and stress exhibited BE in the first 15-60min after the stressful procedure. R. rosea extract 10mg/kg significantly reduced and 20mg/kg abolished the BE episode. R. rosea extract 20mg/kg abolished also stress-induced increase in serum corticosterone levels. The R. rosea active principle salidroside, but not rosavin, at doses present in the extract, dose-dependently reduced or abolished BE for the period in which it was elicited. In conclusion results indicate that R. rosea extracts may have therapeutic properties in bingeing-related eating disorders and that salidroside is the active principle responsible for this effect.


Chen QG, Zeng YS, Qu ZQ, Tang JY, Qin YJ, Chung P, Wong R, Hägg U (2009 - DOI). The effects of Rhodiola rosea extract on 5-HT level, cell proliferation and quantity of neurons at the cerebral hippocampus of depressive rats. Phytomedicine 16(9): 830-8.


Highlight: Rhodiola extract could improve 5-HT level within the hippocampus in depressive rats, and low dosage Rhodiola could induce neural stem cell proliferation at hippocampus to return to normal level, repairing the injured neurons at hippocampus.


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