European Mind & Metabolism Association

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ADDUCE - studying long-term safety in ADHD treatment

The Adduce studies (Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder drugs use chronic effects) address the EU 7th framework Health work program “Adapting off-patent medicines to the specific needs of paediatric population”. Methylphenidate is a widely prescribes stimulant in ADHD. The ADDUCE studies address will provide information on the long term side-effects in children and adolescents and cardiovascular effects in adults.

Homepage of the ADDUCE website.

 Click to read more

What is ADHD

What is ADHD ?

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children, affecting approximately 5% of children in Europe. Read more on ADHD.


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Meetings & Congresses

 Index of Congresses ...


the 13th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies in September 2017


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Beyond science: philosophy, mind and metabolism:
1) Genes, but ...NOT ONLY...

2) Latest hints on innovation: "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES"

3) The burden of ADHD on modern society (families, health systems).
Societies, Journals (to visit)

Science Societies, Science Journals.

Associations to help people with a psychiatric disease (and their families).


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