European Mind & Metabolism Association

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Animal Research is Brave Science

 Petition on Use of Animals in Research in EU


Dear EMMAweb Visitor,

Please finde below the first publication of the European Animal Research Association (EARA) joint Statement in support of the European Directive 2010/63/EU.




September 8, 2010 - the EU Parliament passed the EU directive on the use of animals in scientific research. After formal approval of the text from the EU Council on 22 September 2010, EU member states will be given two years to implement the new directive. Click here for full text of the directive.


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the 13th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies in September 2017


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Beyond science: philosophy, mind and metabolism:
1) Genes, but ...NOT ONLY...

2) Latest hints on innovation: "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES"

3) The burden of ADHD on modern society (families, health systems).
Societies, Journals (to visit)

Science Societies, Science Journals.

Associations to help people with a psychiatric disease (and their families).


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